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What is IPL?

When you are concerned about how your complexion looks because of dark spots or sun damage, Luxe Nova Medical Aesthetics & Wellness & Wellness can perform a skin analysis at our Concord, NH office to see if you qualify for intense pulsed light therapy (IPL). An IPL photofacial is a treatment that rejuvenates the skin for adult women and men with hyperpigmentation issues on their face and neck. IPL may not be an invasive process, but it can be highly effective and produce amazing results. Physician Assistant Sarah Leslie, PA-C uses intense pulses of light that warm the skin just enough to ignite the natural healing process and boost the production of collagen. As the added nutrients take effect, you should see a healthier complexion with an improved tone and decreased spots.

What are the benefits?

IPL photofacials are famous at Luxe Nova Medical Aesthetics & Wellness & Wellness for their transforming benefits. Some of the benefits that our Concord, NH patients glean from their IPL photofacials include:

  • Restored skin tone and feel
  • Balancing of hyperpigmentation and sun spots
  • Revitalized, rejuvenated skin appearance
  • Relaxing, enjoyable procedure that supports your total skin health

Learn More

You probably didn't worry much about your skin's health when you had clear skin, but once environmental damage such as spots and other blemishes are appearing, you now may be interested in procedures that correct your appearance. We invite you to learn more about photofacial treatments by calling our Concord, NH office and scheduling a skin assessment with Sarah. With photofacial treatments at Luxe Nova Medical Aesthetics & Wellness & Wellness, we can go deep within the layers of skin to help restore a youthful glow and a clear complexion.

Sarah is without a doubt who you want to go to for your medical aesthetic needs! You won't find a provider who is more well versed in the subject matter and takes time and care providing the treatment you need. Sarah provides a welcoming, comforting experience from the moment you walk through the door. I can't wait to try different treatments. She really will help you to look your absolute best!

M.S. Google

I received a treatment for my stretch marks. It requires more then one treatment, I noticed a difference after one! I also got injections by Sarah and they are the best I have had yet. My face felt so natural. Her professionalism and knowledge made me feel as ease. Forever client!

J.S. Google

Professional, clean environment and facility. Sarah offers a variety of aesthetic services. She answered all my questions regarding the procedure itself and provided excellent care during the process which made for a positive experience where I felt confident in the care I received. Easy scheduling, prompt communication and prices very reasonable as well. Highly recommended!

M.D. Google

EXCELLENT SERVICE!!! Sarah takes the time to talk to you about your concerns, skin habits and formulates a plan that works best for you! I've had a sun spot on my face for years, have tried other treatments and Sarah's treatment was finally able to treat the spot and it has not come back. The location is ideal and has a "chill" vibe!! I will definitely be a repeat customer for my skin care needs!!

K.L. Google


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Ideal Candidates

An IPL photofacial reaches the deeper layers of your skin to correct many complexion concerns (especially sun spots and brown lesions) with minimal or no recovery time. Candidates for IPL at Luxe Nova Medical Aesthetics & Wellness will have a combination of problems with their complexion, such as sun damage, rosacea, brown spots (hyperpigmentation), rough texture, large pores, flushing, freckles, sun and age spots, or spider veins. Sarah Leslie, PA-C will examine your skin to determine if you are a candidate for an IPL photofacial during your private consultation.

How Does IPL Work?

An IPL photofacial is done at our Concord, NH office in about 20 – 30 minutes in one of our treatment rooms if performed alone. To start the IPL facial, your technician will clean and dry the skin to be treated before covering your eyes with goggles. The photofacial is administered using a handheld wand that will pass over the skin while emitting pulses of light energy. While most patients may feel mild discomfort during the IPL photofacial, it is generally bearable given the fast treatment length.

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What to Expect

There is no recovery time associated with a photofacial treatment. You will leave our office with your complexion a little pink and swollen. This will go away on its own in about a day — it may be masked with makeup if you want. Luxe Nova Medical Aesthetics & Wellness advises patients apply a cream on the treated skin to minimize irritation and speed healing. It may also help to take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine to ease swelling. Over the course of 2 – 5 days, the irregularities under the skin will rise to the surface and then begin to flake off. It's important to keep your skin protected from the sun at all times after an IPL photofacial and to not pick at your skin. While you will see some visible improvements after your first treatment, your complexion will attain the best results after multiple IPL sessions. Sarah recommends most patients get 3 – 6 sessions scheduled every four weeks at Luxe Nova Medical Aesthetics & Wellness.


How much does IPL cost?
Your skin is unique, which means your cost for a photofacial will vary based on your goals. Luxe Nova Medical Aesthetics & Wellness offers specials on treatments like IPL often and we accept most payment methods. In your initial visit, your technician can help estimate your cost and recommend the number of treatments needed to fit your needs and goals.

How quick are the results from IPL?
Visible improvements can be seen after each IPL treatment, but optimal results are visible a month after all of your treatments are done. It is common for you to see different responses following each session. You will notice a gradual improvement of redness, blotchiness, sunspots, and age spots.

What are the possible side effects of IPL?
Most patients experience mild, temporary side effects, like swelling, redness, blisters, crusting, or bruising. This should fade in a few days. You will be extra sensitive to the sun and you should keep in mind that damaging UV rays can affect your results. Whenever you go outside, you should always wear sunscreen to avoid damage like spots and redness.

Do I need to prep for IPL?
Before getting IPL, patients are usually asked to skip sun exposure and self-tanners for about 2 – 4 weeks before their treatment. You should discontinue the use of minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A/Renova a few days before your appointment, and you may want to start taking ibuprofen or aspirin a week before the appointment to reduce inflammation, which lowers you chance of bruising. You should also protect the treated areas with sunscreen.

Why should I get multiple IPL sessions?
A full series of IPL photo rejuvenation are recommended to deliver natural-looking improvements to your skin. Each treatment will diminish spots and other surface irregularities. A series of sessions also allow for longer-lasting results.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.